Monday, 5 September 2016

Decluttering more books... and a giveaway!

Decluttering more books... and a giveaway!

...and it goes on!  After drowning in a sea of books for a week or so, I move onto to sorting through my Drawing, Watercolour and General Painting Books.... and it gives me the chance to do a giveaway.... finally!

I wanted to do a giveaway when I reached 1000 YouTube subscribers, but that crept up on me and I missed the here's my chance to make up for that!  The prize is the "Watercolour in 10 Steps" Book by Patricia Seligman 

Favourite Books Mentioned:-

Drawing Lab by Carla Sonheim
UK:   USA:

Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain by Betty Edwards
UK:   USA:

Painting Songbirds
UK:   USA:

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Official Rules:
  • The giveaway is open worldwide
  • Entrants must be over 18 to receive the prize
  • Entrants must be a subscriber to the ArtJourneyUK YouTube Channel
  • Subscriber accounts must comply to YouTube Community Guidelines, entrants that don't comply will be disqualified from the giveaway
  • YouTube is not a sponsor of this giveaway and, as such, entrants release YouTube from any and all liability relating to this giveaway
  • Any personal data you provide during this giveaway will be used solely to contact you in the event you win the giveaway. 
  • All such data is collated by Rafflecopter and will not be used by ArtJourney in any way other than detailed above
  • ArtJourney commits to providing the prize (as detailed) but beyond that is released from any and all liability relating to this giveaway.
  • Giveaway Starts 6th September and ends 16th September 2016

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